Advance Review Copies of Out With A Bang Available Now!

Advance Review Copy PDFs available now, 4 weeks in advance of general release
Advance Review Copy PDFs available now,  four weeks in advance of general release


Special limited edition advance review copies of Out With A Bang (Long Time Dying Book 1) are available now by sending a message to this site or direct to the author by sending an email  to

Out With A Bang is the first thriller in the Long Time Dying series being launched on 31st August 2014. The Long Time Dying series introduces Eva Roberts and Dan Bradley, business partners. long term bed partners and private detectives beating the streets of Essex and London.

Their adventures take them to the brink time and again.  And it all starts here, in the hot and exciting Out With A Bang.  Get your special advance review copy in PDF format by sending your request today.

This is a time limited offer, first come, first served. It is hoped advance readers will send a review in return for their advance copy. Your reviews may be features in future promotions and on this site!